Get the Sectional You Want in the Size You Need
A sectional is a large piece of furniture that require a lot of space.
Fact:Small scale sectionals exist and don’t take up that much space! You can find the perfect sectional to fit your space and your budget. And Grand Home Furnishings can help! Here are some tips to finding one that’s right for you.

Having a customizable sectional is key for smaller spaces. A reversible sectional comes with sections that can be arranged to your desired layout. While an interchangeable sectional allows you to place it on the left or right side. Other helpful features include a detachable ottoman, hidden storage and convertible bed options.
ADD EVEN MORE COMFORTYou can have the best of both worlds when you shop Grand Home Furnishings. A space saving sectional with the features found in a traditional sofa. Customize your sectional with power recliners or even a sleep sofa.

Once your new sectional is finally delivered and fits perfectly in place, you’ll never want to get up. Which means that inevitability there will be a spill, tear or some form of damage. That’s life. Consider a Platinum Protection Plan with your purchase. It protects your furniture from mishaps and helps preserve the natural beauty of your furniture.

A sectional is great for entertaining or spending time with the whole family. And with the help of Grand Home Furnishings, you can get exactly the style and function that you need no matter what the size.