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Blog posts of '2022' 'September'

Fall in Love with a New Mattress at Grand Home Furnishings
Fall in Love with a New Mattress at Grand Home Furnishings
The seasons are turning, the leaves are changing colors, and the temperatures are dropping. You know what that means? Cooler nights are on the way, and with those nights often come better sleep — but only if you’re sleeping on a great mattress. At Grand Home Furnishings, we’re stocked with all the latest mattresses (over 70 models) from top brands ready for pick-up and delivery.
Out-Of-Town-Guests This Holiday Season? Grand Home Furnishings Can Help
Out-Of-Town-Guests This Holiday Season? Grand Home Furnishings Can Help
Let’s face it: hosting around the holidays is a stressful endeavor. While it can be great to get family and friends together for some much-needed quality time, great food, gift exchanges, and more, playing host for these parties often leaves people scrambling. What am I going to cook? What time should everyone arrive? How many days do I need to plan? How much money is this going to cost me? Where is everyone going to eat? Where is everyone going to sleep? Fortunately, Grand Home Furnishings can help you answer the latter.