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Blog posts of '2016' 'October'

Getting your home ready for Airbnb guests
Getting your home ready for Airbnb guests
Maybe you have a spare bedroom, a guest cabin or even a swanky decorated shed, and you want to make some cash. Today that means listing your abode on Airbnb and housing total strangers for a few nights.
Caring for wood furniture
Caring for wood furniture
Because wood has such a long life, it does require some maintenance to keep it looking new. Here are some tips.
How to store outdoor furniture so it's ready for next year
How to store outdoor furniture so it's ready for next year
Your patio furniture requires attention to make sure it's in good shape for next summer. Try these tips to ready your outdoor furniture for winter.
Decorating your dining room with style
Decorating your dining room with style
If you want to do an overhaul of your dining room, here are some style tips starting from the very beginning to the final touches.