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What Form and Functions do Quality Home Furnishings have?

What Form and Functions do Quality Home Furnishings have?

While form and function are highly discussed in architectural circles, they’re also something that must be thought about when looking for quality home furnishings.

How quality home furnishings trends change

I’ve been in furniture for over 20 years and have seen many pieces come and go. While pieces like large wardrobes, oversized desks and big wall entertainment units used to be popular home furnishings items, times have changed. More specifically, the design of houses and technology have changed.

quality home furnishings form love seat

Almost all new homes are open floor plans now, which means there’s more things to consider when bringing in new furniture. Instead of sofas sitting up against a wall, which used to be a traditional setup, there is now the chance for them to be in the middle of a space where the back is exposed. In terms of technology, many are opting to wall-mount TV’s instead of purchasing entertainment units. The architecture and technology present in your home play a major role in what types are now considered the best in quality home furnishings.

Things to think about

Home furnishings are the third largest expense for a family, coming in after the home itself and automobiles, which is why the process of buying new furnishings is something that should be well thought out. When you’re considering new furniture, here are some aspects I hope you’ll pay attention to:

  • Know your room dimensions and how you want to use the furniture. At Grand, we have a floor planner option that allows us to go online and help you design a room, showing you exactly how your chosen pieces will fit before you bring them home.
  • Think about how you want to entertain in your home. If you’re planning on hosting large gatherings and events at home, you’ll want to be sure you’ve got the furnishings that are capable of accommodating it.
  • Don’t just think about how you love the look of a piece, think about its long-term AND short-term functions. Is this something you’ll be comfortable having in your home for the next 10, 15 or 20 years?
  • Where will those power furniture pieces be plugged in if you have an open floor plan? Remember that access to a wall outlet might not always be possible. When buying something like a power recliner or sofa, you’ll want to ask the salesperson about the battery power packs that are made to go along with them.
quality home furnishings form dining

Another aspect to think about are those staple pieces, such as sofas, dressers, dining room tables, or armchairs, with classic and clean lines that are comparable to the little black dress for women or dark suit for men. These pieces are what you build around, changing out accessories and accent pieces. Classic items can help carry you through many home decor styles. Deciding which quality home furnishings are best for you is not a task to be taken lightly, as they help set the tone for your decorating sense and the overall flow of your home. By considering the form and function of the pieces being brought into your home you’ll help ensure that your style is all set for years to come.

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